Reverse Circulation Drilling

The MR range of RC hammers is designed to perform at the top end of the performance scale compared to other tools on the market. With extensive testing over the past 18 months, the MR range of tools offers some very significant benefits over the MX range of RC hammers.

Reverse Circulation Drilling

MR Range


Performance improvements show up to a 20% increase in production in both grade control and exploration applications vs the Mincon MX range. As with all Mincon hammers, the tools performed extremely well in deep hole drilling in dry applications and where there is a lot of water in the borehole. With a variable length available on the chuck sleeve the hammer can be easily set up for either dry or wet hole drilling. Set to become the standard by which RC hammers will be measured, the Mincon MR range of tools gets the job done.

Mincon MR Range for Reverse Circulation Drilling
MR Range

Key Features And Benefits

  • Patented mounting system for fixed internal components.
  • An extremely sturdy shank with a short length allows for greater transfer of energy between the piston and bit.
  • Variable chuck sleeve lengths for varying drilling conditions.
  • Single piece sample tube assembly.
  • Specially heat treated sample tubes offer superior wear resistance vs. our competition.
  • Variable sample tube bore sizes for the MR120 and MR132 allows the contractor greater flexibility in setting up his tool.
  • Metal sprayed chuck sleeve and wear sleeve options for greater wear resistance on outside circulation.
  • Ease of service with no special assembly or disassembly tools required.

MR Series Specifications

Hammer ModelHoleSize Range
Mincon MR1164.75″ – 5″121mm – 127mm
Mincon MR1205″ – 5.625″127mm – 143mm
Mincon MR1325.4″ – 5.75″137mm – 146mm

Mincon personnel has a wealth of knowledge and experience in reverse circulation hammer design and manufacture.  Mincon has been involved since the acceptance of reverse circulation drilling as an advancement over cross-over subsystems and an alternative to the more expensive diamond coring.  Bringing this experience to the MX line of hammers produced a design that is second to none in performance, reliability, and sample quality.

MX Range


Mincon RC Hammers MX for reverse drilling
RC Hammers MX

MX Range Specifications

Hammer ModelHole Size Range
MX40444″ – 4.5″100mm – 114mm
MX45504.5″ – 5″114mm – 127mm
MX50535″ – 5.375″127mm – 137mm
MX54565.5″ – 5.75″140mm – 146mm