Hensley offers an extensive line of complete lip systems for loader buckets. We have standard CAT loader lips, the market-leading Bladesaver QM lip system. The Bladesaver gives you a smooth/flat bottom that will keep your quarry floor smooth, saving thousands of dollars in tire costs as well as making your quarry a safer place to work.
Hensley Lip Systems For Rock Loaders
The Next Step In Quarry Lip System Safety
Hensley Attachments offers an extensive line of complete lip systems for loader buckets. For material re-handling, we recommend one of our smooth edges. You also have a choice of lip systems for quarry mining. Of course, we’d like you to try our very own Hensley BladeSaver®II complete lip system. You may also choose to try our version of the Caterpillar® Modulok® lip system. The design is from Caterpillar®, but the high quality steel and the unsurpassed service are pure Hensley.